Saturday, February 5, 2011

Princess Peach Outfits

education laws of dialectical materialism limits

We said
the university had the privilege, within the bourgeois world, able to think beyond the limits of acceptable social structure. This was perhaps a way to justify and make a so powerless (ie, false) the ideal of freedom of thought, that is, paradoxically, critical thinking from the academic world was a neutered thought just the opposite function fulfilled which was supposed to quickly and effectively becoming ideology . Thus, the university could ramble and produce educational theories that led to a law like the LOGSE never corresponded to the truth about the socio-economic settings that are applied. The law was born with original sin of university origin. Therefore, the LOGSE was a flight of pedagogical reason to aspire to a better world, remained tied to the ugliest of the world. As shown, all in English public education has elapsed (schools and colleges) through channels not provided by the naive idealist who designed the law into their offices. So, is peculiar to bourgeois law, says Lukacs and use their terminology, to forget its historical origin and establish itself as a formal standard based reality magically from above. Establishing a parallel world and ideal from legal regulation. In the eighteenth century could appeal to reason, as did Voltaire, to legislate against society estates of nobles and commoners and revolutionize the social world. It was a way to challenge the Law of aristocratic society and justify the change now the revolutionary bourgeoisie sought to take a hit of law once installed in power had a real support (in reason). This law, in fact, not due to reason but to his bourgeois origin in a given society. But then the law rises again elevated to the top of itself, as a sort of self-divinity, and from there to cover the real. Thus, the victorious bourgeois formalism law appeals to the rationality inherent in its consistency, and forget the historical origin or the ethical nature of it. The law became autonomous and extends his empire, as noted by Max Weber, on the society that produces it. But the close link with real forms of society and economy remains, as their origin is clearly human, real. The law made invisible by formalizing what is in it's history. This dynamism true, of course, a clear ideological basis which must not go to the real, but syllogisms and arguments that start and end within the same law as a specialized field and immune to history. Thus, Lukacs notes that Natural Law was passed, evidently ideological character, a right to and end in itself, autofundante and founder of reality (legal positivism) in a reverse movement of its real origin and history among men. It was the right of order and security bourgeois.

You start to believe in social transformation by dint of law from observation, moreover, that in fact the law can get some changes in attitudes . But in essence remains a basic alienation is the formalization of the human in an alchemy that reduces it to its legal essence as something predictable and controlled by laws. Thus, the bourgeois man believes he can transform legislating. This washes his conscience, as in the legal field can be given freedom and equality (Human Rights, English Constitution) that does not exist in reality. But whatever. The citizen still believes in the nobility of its high ideals and they are real as they materialize in the form of law. I think this movement in consciousness, which has given me the key reading Lukacs, whereby a commendable ideal in principle grows into its opposite, ie, devotes an ideology that actually made the opposite of what it expresses the legal ideal, it is often when legislating on education. Thus, it is possible to interpret, understand this as a simple outline of hypotheses, the LOGSE as a product of the bourgeois world of high ideals but anything under your real transformation. Simply put, the LOGSE and figure drawing in the world did not correspond to the world, and the legislature believed it could reverse the movement from the law world. This belief could be in some cases personal wash product of a consciousness of wanting to imagine made the brave new world whose real achievement was not discussed at the time ruled in Spain who had renounced Marxism and the revolution. It was this version light of opposition to Franco was never at all (as the opposition staged, apparently, the PCE and anarchist movements) that Bill wanted to blow anything clean his conscience and pretend to be sought social transformation prevented by bankers and speculators. Again, the movement of idealism and formalization bourgeois revolutionary characteristic of putting a brake on the revolution, the brake and the limits that mark their class interests.

Similarly, the product of the bourgeois world university has been able to raise the ideal of enlightened absolutism of Frederick the Great of Prussia, who cried as Kant: "Opinion as you want, but obey!". Good old Fred and naively stated the terms of the freedom of thought. The flight of reason to rise so much that they miss the reality. Heaven is so high where you can allow critical thinking, while never losing them and fall to the ground. So strange and ambiguous, to college before Bologna was allowed to think and be critical. If the criticism was intended to make real, had to be in the way of a split theory or a science of facts and specializing in sectors of an increasingly disconnected from reality in the consciousness of the student (this is the best way not see historical reality). So, follow the game to those who prefer a converted college ideologue for the capitalist economic system advocates of science data. Contrary to what appears, the sectoral and specialized science when applied to social filters out of your collection that explains precisely to the social. It is a knowledge surface, converted to sociology psychology of knowledge that reflects the atomization atomized capitalist world of war of all against all. Thus, the study of education remains on the anecdotal, individually, psychologically, while the story becomes a science, too, facts, events and attitudes. The historical study of what makes the study of governments and laws, contributing to the false belief of a world to give legal and stroke transformable law.

Certainly, the law does change, but only in the mask or surface of society. Be legislated to ensure equality of men and women, for example, in a society structured with a deep and chronic real inequality is not addressed. Freedom and equality of bourgeois law respond, therefore, to illusions in consciousness, but they are not real set in the history of human beings.

However, the idealism of the law, and washing consciousness and mitigate desire for real change in society and the economy, plays a very clear role of complicity with the powers of society (banking, capitalist) . The legislative policy for them, if not, could not maintain their status and bourgeois comfort. The transformation real egalitarian society in a sense can be annoying and dangerous to those who seek power as an end in itself. They can only afford masquerades. There is a complex web of blackmail, of favors and lucrative interests ensures that the politician always legislate one way or ideological (creating a false picture of reality escapist and soothing) or directly in favor of the larger economy. This is the case in Spain SINDE obeying the law, apparently, to the interests of producers and American authors, and yesterday I read the opinion of the minister of economy should be allowed to continue giving in Spain a law after eviction for nonpayment of mortgage allows the bank to follow the worker claiming the debt left destitute. Remember that what is allowed under English law explicitly declared as illegal by U.S. laws. Here we have clearly seen what love serve law and social policy in Spain. Precisely this double face of a law that insists on defending the right to equality in some areas (gender, homosexuals, non-smokers, disabled), but in other areas contributes to the more ominous injustice, which strengthens the ability of law to serve the masters they serve. A government can hold the prestige of ensuring equality of heterosexuals and homosexuals regarding marriage, but may allow banks to ruin an entire country and that the property in August to make the constitutional human right to housing or the telecommunications sector to amass thousands of claims that are barely resolved in favor of the consumer (through legal cracks have precisely this function.)

In this context of formal legal idealism could be seen the emergence of many laws "liberal" education. These laws are so ambiguous as the rest of bourgeois right, ie contribute to ideological concealment and can also be used, on the other side of this dialectic as an instrument of subjugation. Would study following this hypothesis if it has been the case as the law LOGSE blame the teacher and transmits the coercive power and perhaps unfair that he had in the old educational system, parents and students facing society itself in a new version of the old injustice, workers facing workers. Thus, the LOGSE born destined to fail in what he said, to be a farce, but never failed in its true real target. Make the changes commendable (I repeat, commendable) to those noted in the real world would have meant a serious threat to the powers that be. Just could not really believe what they were legislating, failing to end isolation and castrated as Tierno Galván, or worse, in the most ominous ostracized from politics.

soon, and following the thread and assumptions that we have followed in this post, we will address the consecration by the law (LOMLOU) of what I will call "proletarianization of university teachers." Needless to say this is all part of an invitation to dialogue as critically as I say is contrary, but for now at least this is possible in English universities. Enjoy the space of autonomy and intellectual freedom (and intellectual only, unfortunately) that still allows us, among task and dedicated work the bureaucracy.


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