school Criticism undertaken by a variety of perspectives ranging from Marxism to the theories of deschooling (Ivan Illich) are based on a phenomenon that has accompanied the school from the period illustrated. All attempts to either abolish or amend certain aspects (New School, Dewey, etc.) and new teaching methodologies and new governing body (school board) corroborate the importance of this phenomenon as an endemic and chronic diseases accompanied to school illustrated born with the explicit desire to cultivate the people. It's something that always surprised me and what I sensed a level of reflection necessary for scholars of education and only after several years of reading and observation I can hope to understand in more detail and hidden bases. This phenomenon of splitting of the school in relation to other places and social fields, the unspoken and unconscious collaboration with the status quo can afford while orally speeches, laws and pedagogies that speak as of another world. Thus, in the school lives and shows very clearly the misery of our world that is the misery of what in another post about a year ago called hubris pedagogical Bernfeld's hand. Loneliness and helplessness of the school for what it purports to be understood in parallel with the loneliness and helplessness of a philosophy and educational theory in the world as split as the institution they serve. In the isolation and the failure of the school is established, once again the failure of idealistic project involving the transformation of the world by dint of law, fine speeches and education.
education in itself can evoke a field of many people spiritualizing dyes which only emphasize the distance of that from which all educational theory (reality). Thus, education is raised and its conscious elements (remember the falsity of much of conscious phenomena, according to Freud) stands as a powerful work, almost like a God who creates the world from scratch. Education, in fact, is fertile ground to grow and pseudoprofetas pseudodioses as currently suffer both in Spain. The temptation of changing the world by dint of voice and decree, to design the world in an office, is too great for those out of school live in the world as a fatality, who at all are truly interested in change. That is the root of our evil, wanting to change the world in an office. Prophets of office, thus serving the fate of a structure on which to dream inertial rise. So, at school, pretends to be from scratch and developed the ritual of a hypothetical new and supposedly apolitical beginning of humanity. This aspiration has been realized by former utopian projects (Fourier, Tolstoy) that as Summerhill today, despite the inclusion of material elements in educational practice developed in the school founded by AS Neill, no longer a single experiment, a sort of bubble in which revives the Arcadia perhaps in an unconscious imitation of Rousseau itching idealist divide the natural and social. Before a society ugly, contrary to human happiness (market society), the option that Rousseau is seeking happiness in a divided field of human culture and society, as if the mere powers of man and of themselves ensure their moral goodness. This was the consolation Rousseau was another classic utopianism with that the soul is comforted bereaved, but also escapes the world. Summerhill and its well-intentioned utopianism (which nevertheless, as you know my students, I have always admired what you have at the moment of truth, critical insights) is nothing but an exaggeration of the modern world's tendency to split and ... no change. Thus, the inertia of our world that one side is rigidly structured to follow as it is but on the other hand has invented a substitute for an interior in which to do the desires frustrated, looks at Summerhill, but also, painfully, at school conventional. The school, much to include and promote physical education and the arts, dance and theater for example, was the daughter of a female and always will be crippled as a result of violence by the man starts the possibility of truly transform the world and live better.
Perhaps a friend reminded me this summer in El Salvador, and question the approach of Ivan Illich, Illich also sinned if this utopianism, or at least my personal claim to speak for Illich equally everywhere. He was right. Illich comes after school. Challenging because the school has to go through school, precisely because the corruption which led to the school is perceived in the same school that opens our eyes. At school you feel The more I think, work, interact with others, the world will change. This is the harsh teaching of the school system. So after a few centuries since existed as mere imagination in some enlightened and revolutionary bourgeois dreamers, we can say it has failed. In school is not only reconciles the world, but is divided further. The men sprayed school (Illich) and naturalizes the social (Bourdieu). Not only teaches us to get hold of the world, but learns that the world (social) weighs about man as a slab. Thus, the ingenuity shown that the world could be transformed by educating men proved to be false at the time as it was made This academically. The school is the institutionalization of a dream. Perhaps the error was previously in the idea of \u200b\u200beducation is embodied in the school, an idea that was born with original sin of being nothing more than that, a simple idea very volatile as ether. Illustrated dreams were realized in the ether as it became a revolution consists in giving back to a tortilla that was the same tortilla, or the same dog with different collar. The key here is to understand well the tortilla. It certainly is not the same domain than another, and that happens feudal domain bourgeois rule is where we are. But as Marx pointed out in the Communist Manifesto, the bourgeoisie was left half, because he knew only make their dreams of happiness.
At school, to be precise, we should distinguish the whole apparatus of modern domination of instrumental reason, the networks the power of many hues (protein force if ever there). My hypothesis is that this domain formalities embodied in space and will never disappear. Is endemic to the school system and any corrections you stronger. Contrast this with the speeches, the shocking contrast between these discourses and the reality of pervasive dominance in school (and college) would be laughable if it were not so serious as we played well. We have in each school played the same dualism between a world gnostizante terrible to reify and produce goods and a clean universe sacrosanct values \u200b\u200bof equality, democracy and freedom. It allows a really dirty and horrible because at the same time it allows the imagination (mere imagination) of a better world. It is in this ethereal world of abstract values \u200b\u200band Platonic ideas in which our world is made falsely. The truth of this school is split into fields of thought and culture on the one hand, and as an area of \u200b\u200bhuman relations domain. Thus, the school is part of a world torn between ideals and reality that produced it and we can hypothesize who have previously launched the many criticisms of the school to which I referred at the beginning of this post, which serves the perpetuation of the world. While school has justified corruption. So much school to try to change is always intellectually at the expense of suppressing the meat or, if this dynamism escapes, falls on the contrary, in the horror of flesh and reified world of war of all against all (just the current situation in many institutes of ESO). When you see the world as it is to generate violence, bullying, maltreatment, etc.. Are the two alternatives from which oscillates, and innocently naive, isolated as an atom in a fragmented world, the school. In her dreams die bourgeois lost in the sky or crashing to the ground. While there school, political will, rich and poor, and bankers. The school will always be, in this sense, real in its unreality. We may nevertheless hope that sometimes your dreams from becoming nightmares to emerge in reality.
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