Monday, February 21, 2011

Oc Nj Senior Week Rentals

Finishing Circular Headbands - Headbands for my nieces.

Here the 4 crowns for best view, NOT FORGET CLICK PHOTO TO ENLARGE:
Hope you like it and also weave .... although I have no pattern, just are improvisations of the moment to weave and carry out the headband. They point normal and twigs, low spots or dwarfs, and chains or cadenetas.Flores shells and buttons are cooked by hand also the rings.

Click photos to enlarge.
Yarn used for crowns and flowers. Sugar'n Cream 100% cotton and very suvecito.Se the hook recomiendo.Tambien num. 4 mm-H.

Diademas ring.

plastic ring and covered with fabric.


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