Monday, February 28, 2011

Akiba Online Many Guys

the Peruvian-point continuous practice of the point.

Happy All week .... here I show my practice with the Punto Peruano mucho.No I liked it but I love this punto.Me entertaining and will continue in the preactica.Como'm in the headbands apply it to the headband and listo.Poco by little I mejorando.Es a very lindo.Ademas not complicated as I thought, rather as with the technique is easy and rapido.Si burns a little bit of material but I do not care I like tejerlo.Muchas Thank you for your continued support and to the next. :))

Lower Extremities That Ache And Burn

historical data and knowledge in Lukács.

For Lukács the problem of the unity between theory and practice is resolved in line a relationship between consciousness and reality. It would be a coming to consciousness is the process by which reality, resulting in revolutionary terms as a theory to reach the intellectual expression of the revolutionary process itself (p. 75). This reach consciousness, the theory is, in turn, a necessary step in the revolutionary process. Lukacs's book History and Class Consciousness understood from the beginning as one of their keys. The Hungarian Marxist gives great importance to the time of capturing the reality that being prior to it, however, requires to be captured for processing by men. Thus, the theory related to practice, in unity with it, means not so much to confuse the two moments (the real and the epistemological and theoretical), but keeping their distance from each other, are closely interconnected. Regardless of the use of Hegelianism by Lukacs, of the dialectic as a method that reflects what happens in reality (historical), their view of the real priority of what intelligence should be attached may have some parallels with Intelligence theory Zubiri, which we discuss later. In both cases one can speak of a consistent realism in that priority what is the reality. The effort of intelligence or theoretical abstraction should not obscure your vision with false theories, such substantivists and statice. Fluidized consciousness must assume a movement capable of reproducing the dynamism of reality. The opposite of this dialectic would capture both the subjectivist voluntarism as bourgeois historiography, on the other pole, fatalism objectivist crude positivism. In this there is an implicit criticism of both theoretical concepts of a liberal or conservative, as a Marxist conceptions that ended in an impermeable objectivism subjective moment of consciousness. In this I found a similarity with the approach of mature Gramsci his time in jail than in relation pedagogical issues points to the same errors from a non-dialectical approach to reality. In his talk soon, by the way, in a post dedicated to his critique of Rousseau spontaneity, or his qualification, from a Marxist perspective. This is a major issue in the history of educational thought we should look and that I'm rethinking the thread of the Marxist reading of these authors.

But again, it states: "The fatalism and voluntarism are opposed only to be excluded for consideration undialectical and ahistorical. For consideration of the dialectic story poles are to be necessarily coordinated, mental reflexes which clearly expresses the antagonism of capitalist social order, the unsolvability of problems in their own field "(p. 77). These errors are due dialectical thought is not, as the Hungarian philosopher, a contemplative pathos part of the typically modern split between thinking and being. Thinking is understood as not affected by the object being designed, and vice versa, in the scientific error based on this separation just ideal. It is not, I understand, to deny the scientific way of approaching reality, but to employ a scientific methodology that can self-critically applied to subject himself to think and observe. This is what takes place in an extraordinary fashion sociology of Pierre Bourdieu. A science with autodisolvente itching but without reaching the excesses typical of postmodern deconstructive thought. A science aware of its limitations and constraints, with a humility necessary epistemological level, a metaphysical science unpretentious impersonation of the real and aware of their place secondary to the priority of the real. Regardless of which way this is achieved grade Lukacs (perhaps questionable whether the Hegelian too) is some indication that his thought is fluid as it is the reality points to this kind of humility or priority of the real outside any epistemological rationalism or idealism. Aspires to it and warns us of the dangers of contemplative knowing Cartesian. Both he and Bourdieu, however, not lead, as mentioned above, the dissolution of science and thought even denying scientists an ability to make generalizations and probabilities that capture the real to some extent. Thus, science education or education would stop his momentum before reaching the sheer peculiarity, description of how dangerous biases unrelated game does, paradoxically, the single thought (Rorty). This, in Marxist terms of thought dialectic is also noted by Lukacs, as the difference, in a political sense, the social (devoting just given and relying on a gently upward progress linear laws) and the revolutionary approach (dialectical, which means the partial from a full conflict that is in all particulars.)

According to dialectical approach technological objects are products of a whole which includes a moral dimension and, above all, political. A tractor is not only the tractor, but the world and the history that produced it. Stop the scientific view on the tractor is to misunderstand the tractor. If this occurs things like that, how will not happen with something as complex human and historical as education. The look suited to understand the education has to aim at the global and the connections between different parts of the whole socio-historical. Lukacs says: "It is obvious that all knowledge of the reality of the facts. But what is being asked is: what fact of life and how methodical connection deserves consideration as a significant event for knowledge? The limited empiricism denies, of course, the facts become such only through a methodical, varying according to the objective of knowledge "(p. 78). This view, Lukács have said that it acquires, as a Marxist, a dialectical dynamism is necessary to grasp that the very isolated and quantitative data is the way to capturing the reality of the universe itself capitalist. There is a theoretical background which in turn is historic in the eyes of quantification of the liberal economy. "The fetish character of economic forms, the commodification of all human relationships, expanding, always growing, a division of labor that breaks in the abstract, rational production process, without worrying about the possibilities and human capacities of immediate producers, etc., transforms the phenomena of society and, along with them, their apperception. So facts are born 'isolated' complex factual isolated with its own laws partial fields (economics, law, etc..), Now in its immediate forms of expression seem previously developed for a scientific investigation of this nature "(p. 79). Thus, the problem is that this science segmented forget the historic nature of the facts that "discovered" in the world and studying. The dialectical view is, Lukacs insists, the point of view of the totality always necessary to capture this historic character in the events. Economic science, for example, the "facts" or isolated data segmented economy, lags behind reality, but in a way that means, in Lukacs, who is not able to capture the dynamism and the whole, the way she moves, the economic universe is, in his view, history. There would be a movement in the economy that escapes the gaze of positivism segmented liberal economic theory. Not properly capture the economic development and, more seriously, the historic character of the studied as substances or abstractions. It is, in essence, an ideological and politically interested in what is presented as a mere abstraction and realistic scientific theory naked. But there no less realistic than this mode of realism. A realism that says as fact given by a fatal and abstract, without historical reality the current economic crisis, without being aware neoliberal economist (or want to realize, of course) that after the crisis there is a whole history (and therefore not immutable , a non-static) has occurred. Anyway, about the same idea of \u200b\u200bfate and predestination of the capitalist ethic which indicated, from another perspective, Max Weber. Sentiment and moral impotence authorities responding to human too powerful and well rooted in this world. "So to get things properly we must begin by clearly and accurately capture the difference between real existence and inner nuclear structure, including the representations made about them and their concepts "(p. 81). So, be a way to manifest reality in the form of facts by an underlying structural framework of relationships that Lukacs is, indeed, watched the Marxist dialectic, but it also responds to look less substantial than that of Marxism, such as those of Bourdieu or Zubiri-Ellacuría. You could be accused, from the latter perspective, the Marxism of Lukács to maintain, against his initial inspiration, some form of substantial or excellent coseismic is overcome by these approaches (Bourdieu and Zubiri-Ellacuría).

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Anbesol Three Month Old

a brief explanation of how to weave my headbands. Holder

This is another tissues, not the one I use for the explanation of this entrada.Les like? As it was woven chain base. A string of 3, brand over another.
This is a bit different from the explanation but with the same measures. Click photo to enlarge and have a better vision of the points.
MATERIALS: Hook No. 5, 100% cotton yarn, fabric pasiencia and love.
NOT forget the tape measure for head measurements.
(((((((( Explanation of Several of my headbands
Another ))))))))))))
than just beginning to knit. Picher PHOTO TO ENLARGE.
On Demand from several friends who have written for their Interes.Para mails.Gracias that we are, to share.

Here in the picture above if you click the photo you can notice some explanations for the beginning of a headset or vinchas.No is all in general and is also my way because I do not use patterns in many of them .-- NOTE ------- ---- Remember that I am NOT PROFESSIONAL ------ knitter at heart just want to help those interested in my works tissues, in this case is ....... HEADSET just use the imagination with different points of fabrics we have in our house magazines and many times we forget how to use those points, sometimes thinking that only use diced and lace ect.Gracias those cyber space also gives us tejerlas.De aids and ideas for them, they also inspiration and ideas I have ...... all-todas.Muy agradecida.Es a full complement. (((((((((((((((((((---.-----)))))))))))))))))))))

already completed the long or size needed, we have to consider where to start the other end as the one I showed just that in this case would decrease stitches to achieve the same size and stitches used in the first point where we started.
only can weave the same way and are also very nice and act like, well I have every bit of tissue necesaria.A rectangular as sometimes use this technique to vary the beginning of tissue and greater comfort.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Wedding Welcome Bag Thank You Note

Biggest Breasts In School


Javiera Mena / MENA / 2010

This review is not to get on the cart of others, it is clear ...
Why do an album like this singer and songwriter causes a stir let alone at their homeland if not at America Latina? Javiera Mena office has undoubtedly makes POP songs (because it does not rock Javiera) do not know if either one is bitter and prefer more dense and heavy songs or ride in a bad mood or are married the rock old "or" sixties rock "or" psychedelic "or not, Mena is one of the most overrated albums recently by many connoisseurs , there are such means as Phonogram Club, PANAMERIKA , noise makes me , etc. rather praising a flat disk surface, easy to listen and more entrenched in this pastiche of eighties electro pop which by now is out of fashion, I see no claw, I see passion, I see the genius of this album, as well as pointers to other media and blogs , javieramenizacion is quite heavy and in any case absurd to the utmost, perhaps I was amazed at a song such as "Slow Motion " but this album, but two or three themes that emerge from this rate electropoperito, do nothing memorable, the curious thing is that for over ten years, a musical author such as Julieta Venegas to exactly the same but with involved and results music at the magnificent sea, Chile is the birthplace of rock that is made today and Javiera is not the savior of music today and I think I'm signing my will review this attempt, falling hail a again.
This review is not to get on the cart of others, it is clear, or well maybe yes.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Letters To Salon Clients


In just beginning to become customary, Ely Mock and Laiza Onofre ( The Mocks and Uvilov ) launched a new onslaught of sound that has very good notes sound , from England to Mexico, Monterrey and Mexico to Monterrey the world, here you can hear the new musical line elymocklaizauvilovesco .

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Coo Coo Clock Antique Template


One of the favorite bands of this guey you type in this blogo (osea yo) and will get new disk, while to warm things (out of 20 March Arts and Crafts via ) appears " Ragatron " full of interstellar travel feedback, the same sounds that recall the psychedelic sixties than a sci-fi b movie, the song built in the best tradition of rock pop is a continuation with respect to its very good EP debut worthy of all praise good sound thanks to its unique, grating and of course, rocanrolera entertaining.

note here via Club Phonogram

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What Happens If I Put Orajel On Penis

Strawberry or Strawberry Girls Vest

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Can You Stretch Labia With Tape

History as critical scale and Heidegger

In his paper entitled "History as critical scale: I. Ellacuría "Professor JA placed Nicholas Ellacuría thinking in relation to modernity, accepting some elements and challenges others, and in relation to the various critical paradigms that exist in contemporary philosophy. Highlight Ellacurfa undertakes a return to the actuality we noted in the previous post is shared to some extent with Heidegger. We can say almost the same as yesterday we expressed according to Professor JM Romero on the facticity in Horkheimer and Heidegger. Ellacuría obviously takes a position very close to what we pointed out that Horkheimer assumed, compared to what factual ontologization carried out by Heidegger. Nicholas says: "Ellacuría focuses its analysis of the socio-political actuality in the field and in its historical dimension and since then claims a global perspective, or as we say today, globalized for philosophical reflection. (...) But this does not lead to an abstract universal approach, but a reflection on the concrete reality of the humanity's most disadvantaged or free status of misery "(p. 72). There is thus a concrete starting point, however, points to the universal. Also, the factual approach is made in a hermeneutic-interpretive processing but with a purpose of reality (p. 72). Liberating thought moves you, obviously, an interest in the release, we noted that in previous post as an a priori that can be justified morally and epistemologically. The latter, the epistemological need be placed in the right place (the oppressed), avoids any accusation of irrationalism, since it is a dynamic of reason which seeks to understand reality (historical) (73). There is, underlying this connection between social justice and truth (p. 74) that could, I think, relate to the sympathy that the figure of the philosopher Socrates inspired basque. The truth (clarification of historical reality) part of the finding of a deficiency in the historical reality of the experience of the injustice (74). So the reason is interwoven with the practice. This kind of truth sought by the philosopher ellacuriano is not science (in the narrow sense), "but is referring to a practical dimension of truth, which may be made in connection with human liberation. Sharing that experience leads to a level of truth where theoretical reason and practical reason have not yet been divided "(p. 75). Later, Nicholas JA states: "The truth is not a thing or an outcome, but is essentially a historical task of insight and discrimination "(p. 75). It is also a truth that, in Benjamin's sense, is given in the margins and not the core of humanity. A truth that, as in the educator Paulo Freire, is revealed in the margins, among the oppressed, becoming a historical nuance in this case what has ontological nuances in the truth of "extreme situations" in Jaspers (indicated by this idea Dussel and that I have highlighted in an article about Freire). Nicholas refers to the character of fracture between the given and may manifest these places limit disclosure of a social and historical truth (75-76). But far from maintain a priori methodological Nicholas rightly indicates, there is always a priority Ellacuría reality (inherited from Zubiri matter) and therefore an experiential nature of the method for finding the truth about historical reality. Thus, it must be a certain distance between a first time experiential praxis has to be connected to a second moment of awareness. If this connection is hidden or revealed is thus a consciousness evoking Lukács would call "false" or adjusted to reality (that apprehends it, what the Hungarian Marxist acquire a dialectical form, but not so in Ellacuría) . This is how the intellectual image of reality (thought, consciousness, ideology) may be concealing (ideological) or otherwise (ideologized), as we have argued in previous posts dedicated to Ellacuría. Nicholas points out that "(...) must have a comprehensive list, in its hermeneutic sense stronger, with the subject of liberation, which according Ellacuría not be so dogmatic point once and for all and for all historical situation" ( 76). This is the first time, experiential, ellacuriano method of capturing the historical reality that must of a necessity as we have epistemological, placed in the right place (The oppressed). And then would be, "says Nicholas, a historicizing concepts. "It's about rebuilding the concepts and values \u200b\u200bin your dimension abstractly considered for integration into specific practices and the effect that in fact it actually occur" (p. 77). So, against all idealism, it is the thing (reality) to the understanding of it. The criticism launched by Ellacuría is in conjunction with the comments in the last posts of this blog, an immanent critique. But Nicolas also refers to a time of idealism in so far as it goes to a great liberator. I think that in this, and I've said in this blog I remember that thread a letter of Héctor Samour, Ellacuría ranged from pure immanence and a certain propensity most momentous and important to address primarily the issue of Human Rights, which stands as an ideal reference for all liberating process, but required to be materialized in history to acquire its full reality. Yes one thing is clear: that everything has to go through the court of history to prove its truth. It is with this conclusion and ends his speech Nicholas. Not that there's something hidden to uncover, as in Heidegger, but there is a mutual interaction and constant remodeling of truth, reality and history (p. 78). This is widely developed in the very Ellacuría last part of his seminal book: Philosophy historical reality, we still have to finish exhibit in this blog. The truth would be, says Nicholas ellacuriano synthesizing approach a task and not just an unveiling or unfolding.

Senent de Frutos, JA and Mora Galiana, J. (2010). Ellacuría 20 years later. International Conference Proceedings . Seville: Andalusian Institute of Public Administration.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Oc Nj Senior Week Rentals

Finishing Circular Headbands - Headbands for my nieces.

Here the 4 crowns for best view, NOT FORGET CLICK PHOTO TO ENLARGE:
Hope you like it and also weave .... although I have no pattern, just are improvisations of the moment to weave and carry out the headband. They point normal and twigs, low spots or dwarfs, and chains or cadenetas.Flores shells and buttons are cooked by hand also the rings.

Click photos to enlarge.
Yarn used for crowns and flowers. Sugar'n Cream 100% cotton and very suvecito.Se the hook recomiendo.Tambien num. 4 mm-H.

Diademas ring.

plastic ring and covered with fabric.

Ruger 10-22 Wood Stocks

Appendix "on hermeneutics and critical theory" of their book critical and historical , José Manuel Romero briefly discussed several Ramón Rodríguez ideas from very worthy to take account for that purpose that we proposed to make us talk tradition posthusserliana phenomenology and Heidegger, in his account of the facticity of the world of life that determines a sense in the catchment (not representative) of reality, and some neo-Marxism of Frankfurt as Horkheimer and Adorno and Lukács. This program outlines Romero in these few last pages of his book. To do this go to the previous texts Heidegger Being and Time to whose analytical Dasein anticipates some aspects. This consists of lectures given by Heidegger in Freiburg from 1919 to 1923. In them, the Germanic master addresses a hermeneutics of facticity that interprets and attempts to make intelligible the factual life or human existence as a result or original dimension from which it is the sense of things and our relationship with them. Heidegger seeks in these early writings approach the actuality no theoretical (or objectifying unrepresentative). Theoretical mode would be a positivist factuality of the facts as appear to the gaze of the Cartesian subject of modernity. This means a formalization and abstraction that comes from practice and is intended to also encompass the subjective in a way objectifying (psychology). "The theoretical attitude hold a significant relationship off the subject of knowledge has to the case that seeks to know, opening respect him a break that would ensure an alleged contemplation, not involved in the research topic "(p. 232). The relation of the subject or existing knowledge with the world is a detached and objectifying way that betrays and distorts the factual life may not appear in its proper sense. No approach mode is objectifying a hermeneutics of facticity, "which does not take a contemplative attitude about your subject, but it is known involved in it, because hermeneutics is nothing more than an extension of the trend reflective interpreted itself that constitutes the factual life "(p. 232). Faced with the contemplative and external tested the interpretation hermeneutics "internal", which itself is known ingredient of facticity or part of what is interpreted. This is due to a desire to annihilate critical modes of perception distorted by those who acquire a false facticity cosist consistency, as the reality of the world that is merely there. This was replaced in Being and Time, as a critic, by the fear of death that gives us existence as one happen unavailable, thoughtless and non-rational.
Romero said a parallel between the early Heidegger's hermeneutics (critical) of the facticity and Horkheimer of the first theory criticism, which unfortunately does not develop in his book. Only points to the suggestive idea of \u200b\u200ba convergence in its various critical theories, in the manner indicated, between the early Heidegger and Horkheimer in the thirties. "Again, [the critical theory of Horkheimer] what is the purpose of confrontation is what Horkheimer called traditional theory, characterized by the objectifying attitude, formal and contemplative denounced by the early Heidegger. His counter-theory is a form of non-objectifying (non-theoretical, as Heidegger would say), ie a critical theory that is known involved, interested party, in what that takes as problematic issue: the historical life of the existing social formation "(p. 233). In the case of critical theory than it is to dissolve the false appear noun, such as objectivity, the capitalist society formations that are imposed as a second nature with fatalism. The critical theorist known part, yes, of that training, what it criticizes. "Now, the reality that part is not, as in Heidegger, a factual life, while being of beings is the human being as such, ie as defining its ontological nature, leaves out merely ontic dimensions and thus appears as a lack of specificity (And can be described, in short, abstract). For Horkheimer, however, that reality is a developed capitalist society, which implies a fractured community, torn by conflicts between conflicting social positions "(p. 234). The critical theorist known part of this community fractured and "criticism is his claim the hand of the assumption of their daily political and moral, which concerned his case as explicitly critical theoretical approach to their problems" (p. 234).
with the nuances mentioned, the convergence of thinkers as disparate as Heidegger and Horkheimer can be explained, says Romero, perhaps by mediating position Marcuse or the first figure of the first Lukacs History and Class Consciousness we also comment on this blog. This dual possibility of a contemplative or dialectical approach to reality was addressed, as we are highlighting in posts dedicated to Lukács, the Hungarian Marxist. Romero said "It is clear that Horkheimer attempted to rethink the approach to the hindrance purifies Lukács and metaphysical idealists can thematized in it (above all, his conception of the proletariat as identical subject-object of history), while maintaining the pretense of making productive ideas about a dialectic approach (which would not reifying its object or its attitude epistemological) to the current social reality "(p. 235). The background against which it can approach the project the first hermeneutic Heidegger, relatively speaking, is in the enhancement of historicity in which ownership is played the normative basis of an investigation does not objectifying the cultural milieu of today's societies problemize false appearances and substantial capitalist society to bring to light new possibilities for real. Thus, the key would be, following the conclusion of the book by José Manuel Romero, to assume the historicity of all things human, including the regulations from the challenges that stand Critical to the given, in the midst of a facticity known from which emerge their own improvement, as dissolution of the substantive false appearance of things crystallize.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Testicle Pain After Heart Cath

practicing this beautiful fabric Point "Broomstick Stitch" by Naztazia

Hello ... happy early Amigas semana.Aca I show a point that I wanted to practice and a tiempo.Pues I began to practice but still does not come out looking neat but there's video vamos.Estuve NAZTAZIA YouTube and has served me very ayuda.Cuando reach your blog and see the picture of your scarf will love it a lot.
Also here is the link to the video for "Stitch Broomstick" and above on their behalf to click to get to your blog.Es in easy to understand English but just observe.
I can comment that I was a bit uncomfortable so you must use a needle Knitting and crochet but for those who have never practiced not panic, it's not complicated and if you do not have a Knitting needle could be used a bit of "broomstick" or maybe something less thick to run the entertaining and distracting punto.Es muchisimo.Hasta soon and Take care, hope you like LQM ....... ... :))

Ines Cudna Ewa Sonnet

Critical Theory of Habermas and Honneth Deficiencies

I finished reading the book critical and historical José Manuel Romero delves into a few lines which are also outlined in this blog, from a related intellectual concern. In a perspective that suggests a return to the approach of the first generation of the Frankfurt School in efforts to achieve a critical theory to develop the necessary immanent transcendence we have sought to question what happened without idealism, Romero argues with Habermas (second generation) and Honneth (third generation) this possibility. His conclusion is that both the first and the second suffers from a consecration of the given (Western European history) as a source of universal norms that are intended. The problem is that their approach (modern differentiation of different areas of regulation and autonomous rationality Habermas, with the inevitable colonization of the lifeworld by the capitalist economy and the law, but ends up accepting as progress ) And the regulations from the recognition in Honneth (which prioritizes and dynamic forces that puts the economy and class divisions and interest groups) not properly underpin the possibility of a critique that transcends the social model given (capitalist society). Both support a story of the normativity that can derive support in the criticism of certain deviations or social decline, but do not include an opening that is conducive to structural change of the given, which is maintained implicitly as eternal in its current configuration. Thus, these authors go on to develop models of critical theory dynamic enough to address injustice rooted in the structure, in shaping the current capitalist societies. In this sense it is, if we follow the reasons for Romero, a conservatism that can be attributed to the generations after the first of the Frankfurt School. As we know, Adorno and Horkheimer were deeply dissatisfied with the settings that had acquired the world capitalist societies that identify as sites of domination and control disease and dehumanizing. Habermas sought to question their teachers, as we saw here , diagnosing an unsurpassed modern subject that led to the perplexities and final impotence of Critical Theory. Habermas's solution has been, as we also saw the replacement modern subject of inter-subjective paradigm of Theory of Communicative Action . However, Romero is, I think quite rightly, that other elements Habermas seduced by the theories of Parsons and Luhman systems dehistoricized just the present and the future in an all-embracing formalism consecration of a rationality linked to the law and the capitalist economy are not all bad and that we must endure as a lesser evil that tend to encroach on the world of life where there is communicative action. This objectifying process we have criticized in this blog as I do not understand the disease process and progress should be lived, but on the contrary, as being full Hazard is expressed as a highly effective kind of domination in the service of the capitalist model of economy and society. It would, therefore, to rethink the proposal from the first generation of the Frankfurt School and complete or compare it with other approaches that try to transcend this difficult given from the given, ie, the transcendence immanent critique. The key would be on the stand in place and suitable for this epistemological perspective (the victims, the poor majority, the third world). In this attempt we discussed how Romero and Hector Samour identified the enormous potential of Ellacuría thought that Romero characterized as a critical theory from Latin America to be understood not in local terms, but as made from where comes the universal critical (that of the disadvantaged through the history of Western domination.) Is this project for me as essential and will continue the thread of our readings seeking for development in this blog have to look at, as we have done lately, to the university as an institution must choose which master to serve . Should science and choose a model university triumphant consecration of the given and, although critical, has to be that of Habermas? Or should be more broadly responsive to cries not always present in the speeches and official science but give us the key to progress is based on the given transcend from the immanence of that same die?

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Ringworm On Dogs Belly



What can be said of Radiohead at this stage of life? They are geniuses? Yes, that Jonny Greenwood is a hidden talent behind the band? Yes, that Thom Yorke is an entity whose musical background is light years ahead of what mere mortals have access, which is a good showman geek Apart from having one of the most thrilling stage presence within Showbizz , etc etc ... Serve this crappy preamble I said to them about this the most recent review of the band material, will not say what everyone already said (its distribution, dates, formats, etc) attentive listening to this album I raised several questions, hear what the band members? perhaps the encounter with Flying Lotus drifting in the atmospheres hiperelectronicas of many songs on this album? from the initial " Bloom (piano lean and background sequence immediately sent to all those pioneers of the psychedelic sixties rock and played the drums at that pace impossible) Yorke's voice is like an iceberg but dissolves between whispering and ghostly sounds of metal, the second track "Morning Mr Magpie is a vicious rock guitar leaning against a tired minimal sequence and is perhaps the most accomplished vocal work of Yorke which expands here in all its fury rocanrolera, phrasing between the tertiary Yorke / Greenwood / O 'Brien is luxurious and low teacher Colin (the more cool dude group must be said) that rises and falls with amazing speed, the third track "Little by Little " (nothing to do with Oasis ) is a rhythmic rock claw sung with intensity and instrumental (the Latinized half beat those sequences backwards give emphasis to the song) oigase dialogue between the voices Yorkianas in the middle, "Feral " is an electronic trick of those who likes to eye dropped, supported by strange noises, voices that try to be or imitate saxophones, the item was released as single "is the extraordinary" Lotus Flower ", a soft rock supported by powerful synthesizer notes and threatening a battery, the accompanying video is a classic radioheadiano or jewelry is related to audiovisual Karma Police, No Surprises, Paranoid Android, Street Spirit, There There, Pyramid Song, House of Cards , " Codex" is an ode to piano-based, backed by atmospheric keyboards, "Give up the ghost " is a sonic delicacy with acoustic guitar and the piercing voice of Thom Yorke and a half pastoral atmosphere that fades at the start between choruses show up everywhere, " Separator is a simple rock but also enormous, a perfect coda vocal / instrumental for this album which like the pun sidereal electro Kid A is a kick in the ass to indifference, in my case, few heard to fall in love with the sound which the band opened the most important decade of contemporary rock. A jewel of high kilatajes.