Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sterile From Chicken Pox At Puberty

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friends .... greetings to all! Here I show my friend the owl, at last I teji.Aqui the result. Amigurumis Remember that not all easy for me, no it is but I am often very complicated. My daughter loved it and wants to rosy but her mother has almost no time.At the watch when I sit down to knit for her.

Remember Click photo to enlarge.
Hope you like it. In the previous post is the pattern for all of you who like it and want to knit.

The legs have the yarn made of wire, so you call us, very cute and not costoso.La whites of the eyes is made of felt, cut two tiny circles then put ojos.Son hard to get for my alrrededor, despite the fact that there are so many shops with crafts materials. But now on the network ordered in cybernetics. Complete all remaining in the store ..... that crazy .... but well ... I have some.

The fabric with hook or needle no. 4 mm. It's very fast and very entretenedor.Me like the result despite the fact that I have little experience in amigurumi.


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