Monday, March 7, 2011

Pink Moccasin Slippers

Lukács's philosophy on the pedagogy of Paulo Freire

Throughout my reading of Lukács've seen clear affinities with the pedagogical approach of Paulo Freire liberating who undoubtedly influenced by the Marxist philosopher. This trail can be followed by a careful reading of Pedagogy the oppressed, taking into account of Lukács History and class consciousness as one of its great references. In Freire's book is also much of a Hegelian dialectic, but in the Marxist line, carried the material of the practice in which men live and create together. At the level of culture (awareness, consciousness or ideology) are given reflected the divisions that exist in parallel with the level of material relationship between men and men with nature. Freire focusing in the logical consciousness as an educator. Study the speeches, the way they are given and the type of human relations at that point, in which are enshrined. So what education can acquire different dyes on the place in history and society (of sorts) in which it occurs. Freire is on the underdog the same dialectic of failure and despair on the one hand, consistent with the company that produces this failure and despair, and liberation, on the other hand, consistent with the need to overcome this failure and hopelessness in society identifiable and in the minds of men and classes. Thus, for Lukács, the proletariat also includes itself in its class consciousness, double hint of a dead-end, nadeante and, conversely, a promising and hopeful future. Lukacs says: "(...) the proletariat has lost the man himself, but in such a way that not only makes theoretical consciousness of that loss, but also is directly bound to anger against this inhumanity by constriction imperative and absolute, and inevitable and impossible to disguise, which is the practical expression of necessity "(p. 97). It is true that to avoid misunderstandings idealistic type, Lukacs makes the following clarification immediately afterwards: "But the proletariat can not be released without removing their lives" (p. 97). It is not, therefore, neither in nor Lukács Freire, mere movements given exclusively in the consciousness (of sorts) of interior type, beliefs or thinking, but a thought is made operational while new manufacturing reality. Or at best, of anticipating what is coming but to the extent that sniffs in the basement of the story as possible in history. It is from a vocation of struggle for freedom as consciousness play their part and contributes to with their hands in the recreation of reality. Thus, rather than in other classes, the proletariat is concentrated in the key of time, according to Lukacs. And likewise, is on the learner education oppressed who overcomes the divisions will be fully achieved, because the place inhabited by the oppressed limit is given the revelation of the good can dialectically hosted by the given configuration, evil for men. This malignancy is detected by the oppressed, as also noted in a very convincing and accurate Ellacuría thinking about historical reality. Who better knows the anti education (education being divided and helpless, "bank" in Freire's terminology) is the one in which education can be best (unifying able): the oppressed. Suffering is evil allowing precisely the pathological understanding of educational processes bank (ie, anti-educational) and his role enshrined in the given ideological evil. These educational processes involved banking, among other things, the split with the world, the sheer idealism of consciousness and reification clausurante the world and of men, how thoroughly is also described by Lukács. Thus, liberation is not a must be external to man but man himself was born in, specifically, the Oppressed (Freire) or the proletariat (Lukacs). It is worth quoting at length so greatly Lukacs text Freire:
"As the ultimate goal is not to wait for a stadium at the end of the movement proletariat, independently of him, regardless of the way they must go somewhere imprecise as 'state of the future', would then be a situation could easily forgotten in the daily struggle, and proclaim the most in Sunday sermons as a sublime moment of every day concerns. Nor is it a 'must be', an 'idea' coordinated regulative process 'real'. The final objective is rather the relationship to the whole (the whole of society considered as a process) which makes sense for every moment of revolutionary struggle "(p. 99). This is a link between consciousness and reality, thought that captures reality as a whole which is including their own thinking. A conscious thought and therefore no thought (never) no world. Then is when trends appear awareness of historical reality, they become aware in consciousness connected to the world, led decisively to the world. The proletarian embodies itself as a class, a dualism that he can overcome it by joining the world has created himself with the consciousness that reflects and articulates. Thus, "The strangeness of the facts understood thus dissipated in the connection of reality, in reference to all its internal partial moments roots before unexplained in everything then become visible in these events the trends aiming at the center of reality, to what is called ultimate goal "(pp. 100-101). All this makes Lukács's Freire, in his allusion to what may be happening in a liberating one being educated (awareness), but is, in my view, best expressed in the philosophy of Bloch and Ellacuría that exceeds the latter, the excessive weight of the Hegelian -dialectical Marxist authors. I think this connection, in any case, with Freire Lukacs is worth exploring and coming authors completed as already mentioned. Study all of them can help us better understand what it is to educate and, especially, when and who educate becomes a liberating process.


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