Addicted Ep.
Delhotel Records.
Why groups bearing the label "Mexican rock" music sometimes makes infumable and sometimes warped away from the label of "rock"? Lovtres like The Mocks, Selma, Carrie, Sappho , etc ... are a combination surprising and amazing well constructed melodies, well-defined, for some could be up as medium Geva and even a waste of time to walk down these materials, in the case of listening to this EP by the sweeping and washing in this blog, not everything is so despicable at first heard, if we rely on the construction of a theme such as " Addicted" that recalls so is so fleeting in Portishead win and lead from the rest of the issues that move in the band defined as electropop rocanrolera nuanced and guitars that suddenly appear Furic way, sounds that do not overlap, surprise raids on the grounds of crossover where phrases put inglich and English, another song that opens path way is that intempestuosa triphopcito entitled "Detachment " relied on bells, electronic noises, synths like orchestrations and a middle end where sticks in a powerful electric guitar making a noise rock less than a minute. A job that would enjoy better live to see the instrumental capabilities of the members of this band.
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