Sunday, March 20, 2011

Difference Between Fake Breasts And Real Breasts


Tame Impala

A great album, these Australians ( to be in Mexico soon ) raise the status of the rock as a way of making art is a Innerspeaker wave beats, progressions, chords, riffs recalling more than efficient to rock enclosed in the brightest of the rock decades (sixties and seventies) the voice of singer Kevin Parker could be perfect if a casting voices John Lennon, is involved in this work have songs perfectly constructed in perfect lattices pop rock, pop rock an acid high, suggestive, perfect in its construction, although maman Beatlesque milk is not even remotely a copy or a cheap gun (in Mexico abound these imitators) buenérrimos issues such as " It Is Not Mean To Be " of feedback initial amazing atmosphere and an eerie beat, there have to "Desire Be Desire Go " that puts candles " Paperback Writer" by Lennon / Mc Cartney "Alter ego " pachecones walks in choirs and a faster pace than in the two previous songs, echoes of Pink Floyd , Spirit, Jefferson Airplane, Cream and effects batteries analogous Innerspeaker and remaining items (the beautiful " Lucidity" Solitude is a bliss "make us have faith that such groups-how in the case of the great Black Angels who also revere the type of rock do endure the legacy of those who started all this fart, rock as an art form, period.


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