Thanks! Suchafita Thank you, Susan, or what you are, read as a man, woman, fantasy, or whatever ... all there in the villa of Mr. and personally I do not care, but one thing that if I want to thank, is that thanks to your contributions, which were interesting to ... well know such people, but many thanks for allowing more than your post would be published regardless of the widespread dissatisfaction of visitors to the page that is not worth mentioning, I believe that as users of this site, we had the right to demand a minimum standard on what was published but your always so far below that standard, given the looming decline in the papers, there was a group of people were satisfied that no case did we not needed to be prophets to know, that something was going to go and no joke, and thanks to you, creating this blog, that's all I want to thank you, in which there are many more collaborations, and there is not an authoritarian regime that limits the post to people who are their friends, lovers. Thanks, now we are a new independent path and thank you for giving us that push and that example of what NOT want to be !!!...
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