Monday, January 31, 2011

Brazilian Wax St Louis Mo Men

friiiiioooo Textiles.

Here tissue of 54 points a string (strings ), came up with 3 strings and continue weaving twigs on top of each string ....... was all the work. Hook no. 9 - super thick wool N ( I use Lion Brand Thick wool) and turns required for your neck or desired. Buttons and maybe for aƱadir.No woven flowers look exactly if that comfort to my neck. Very simple and easy. Also you can choose any point of our magazines or patterns of points we have at hand.

Here same .... just wider covered her mouth so windy or cold breezes in these friooooo invierno.Todavia and here it is very cold comes a week starting tomorrow, so I am ready.

Amigas wish you a great week and I am super grateful for their continued apoyo.Las they are on vacation .... to difrutarlas.Mis Best wishes to todas.bendiciones ... Luna!